Editors Corner #1

Editors Corner #1

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I am very excited to welcome you to the first ever issue of Tri-Bevel – the UK Association of Professional Piercers’ online journal! The Tri-Bevel journal is part of a wider offering from the UKAPP’s Outreach Committee, which covers this publication, and will eventually expand to include a revisit of the Piercer Meet-ups from the organisation’s early days. 

So why did we decide to produce this now? Having a way to communicate with the piercing community has been a priority for the organisation since its early days. In the beginning, when the UKAPP was in its infancy, there weren’t yet enough members to be able to create committees and voluntary roles outside of the board of directors. However, as the organisation has continued to grow at an exponential rate, we realised that the time had come to create a committee focused on outreach. 

A lot of the UKAPP’s work goes on behind the scenes, but outside of conference, it is often challenging to disseminate to the wider piercing community – especially non-members – outside of conference. This journal is intended to bridge this gap, as well as create articles that will be interesting and useful to piercers of all experience levels. 

This publication really is by piercers for piercers. And I look forward to allowing our committee to introduce themselves in this issue, as well as our current board members too. We firmly believe that collaboration is key when it comes to information sharing and we aim for this journal to provide an on-going conversation between the organisation and the wider piercing community. 

We’re always looking for the committee to grow and expand, so if you would like to volunteer, simply get in touch to apply to get involved! We will accept article submissions from the wider piercing community and we would love non-members to get involved.

So sit back, relax, and delve into our very first issue! 

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